The fitted function analysis showed a decline in the victimisation rate for face-to-face threatened assault in New South Wales since 2008-09.
Although no fitted functions that met the inclusion criteria were identified for physical assault in New South Wales, when undertaking significance testing (comparing two time points) the victimisation rate for physical assault was significantly lower in 2016-17 (2.1%) compared to 2008-09 (2.8%).
No fitted functions met the inclusion criteria for non face-to-face threatened assault in New South Wales, nor was there any significant difference in the non face-to-face threatened assault victimisation rate between 2008-09 and 2016-17.
VICTIMISATION RATES, Selected personal crimes, New South Wales, 2008-09 to 2016-17(a)(b)

Australian Bureau of Statistics
© Commonwealth of Australia 2018.
Footnote(s): (a) The fitted functions used to analyse patterns of change in victimisation rates over time have not taken into account the survey error associated with the annual victimisation rates. This is expected to have limited impact on the analysis, as only survey estimates with RSEs of 25% or less were included in the analysis. For further information on survey error refer to the Technical Note. (b) Fitted function is: face-to-face threatened assault is a power function with equation y = 3.4298x-0.224 R² = 0.7313
The fitted function analysis showed a decline in the victimisation rates for break-in, motor vehicle theft, theft from a motor vehicle, malicious property damage, and other theft in New South Wales since 2008-09.
Although no fitted functions that met the inclusion criteria were identified for attempted break-in in New South Wales, when undertaking significance testing (comparing two time points) the victimisation rate for attempted break-in was significantly lower in 2016-17 (1.5%) compared to 2008-09 (3.2%).
VICTIMISATION RATES, Selected household crimes, New South Wales, 2008-09 to 2016-17(a)(b)

Australian Bureau of Statistics
© Commonwealth of Australia 2018.
Footnote(s): (a) The fitted functions used to analyse patterns of change in victimisation rates over time have not taken into account the survey error associated with the annual victimisation rates. This is expected to have limited impact on the analysis, as only survey estimates with RSEs of 25% or less were included in the analysis. For further information on survey error refer to the Technical Note. (b) Fitted functions are: break-in is an exponential function with equation y = 3.0452e-0.047x R² = 0.7299; motor vehicle theft is a polynomial function with equation y = 0.0036x2 - 0.1631x + 1.3929 R² = 0.9762; theft from a motor vehicle is an exponential function with equation y = 4.0423e-0.091x R² = 0.885; malicious property damage is an exponential function with equation y = 11.657e-0.126x R² = 0.9811; other theft is a logarithmic function with equation y = -0.739ln(x) + 3.8045 R² = 0.8537.